Many great inventions of humankind are based on science and research – and had a tremendous impact on improving people’s lives. We are again looking at science and technology as we are confronted with pressing global challenges from climate change to environmental degradation to feeding and caring for a growing and aging population. Join our host, Kate Hayes, as she talks to visionary scientists, thought leaders and entrepreneurs, to explore how science and technology of today are paving the way for tomorrow’s innovations, ensuring a better future for all.

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Episode 6: The Future of Heart Health
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Advancements in cardiology are moving quickly as technology makes cardiovascular health more accessible. More tools are becoming available so that individuals can monitor their own health, without as many doctors’ visits. So, what is next? Listen as our guests Dr. Carolyn Lam, a senior cardiology consultant and director of women’s heart health at the National Heart Centre Singapore, and Dr. Richard Nkulikiyinka, a vice president at Bayer and head of clinical development and operations for the therapeutic areas of cardiology, nephrology and pulmonology talk about the future of cardiology, AI and cardiovascular health.