Many great inventions of humankind are based on science and research – and had a tremendous impact on improving people’s lives. We are again looking at science and technology as we are confronted with pressing global challenges from climate change to environmental degradation to feeding and caring for a growing and aging population. Join our host, Kate Hayes, as she talks to visionary scientists, thought leaders and entrepreneurs, to explore how science and technology of today are paving the way for tomorrow’s innovations, ensuring a better future for all.

Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Episode 2: The New Health Awareness
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Take a look at the future of health. The Coronavirus pandemic has put individual and collective health at the center of attention and accelerated digitalization in many ways. How can this new health awareness continue to improve our lives? The same digital tools that have changed the way we work, shop, communicate, and learn are now rapidly changing how we care for our own health. Listen in as Daniel Nathrath of Ada Health and Dr. Karen Hackney of Bayer discuss how these events may change the way we view our health for good.